Do you always feel tired in the morning but can’t seem to shut your eyes and keep it that way all night long? Uncontrollably yawning during your power meetings in the morning is the least of your concerns if this has been constantly happening to you. Everything is important for sleeping better, starting from mattresses. Below we have some tricks for your Good Night’s Sleep.
Why Is A Good Night’s Sleep Important?
Many studies have demonstrated how chronic poor sleeping patterns can affect a person’s health. A common definition of sufficient sleep among adults lasts between seven and nine hours daily. Although the number of hours may be met, however, there are instances when frequently getting up, waking up early, and having nightmares affect the quality of sleep.
Subjects who report poor sleep most nights have been shown to be at higher risk for:
- hypertension
- obesity
- diabetes
- mental disorders
- cellular degeneration
- wrinkles and other signs of skin aging
According to the National Sleep Foundation, your blood pressure drops between 10 and 20 percent when you are sound asleep. This is why getting nightly quality snooze is important in maintaining a healthy heart. Another study conducted among young Korean adults who have been diagnosed with Internet addiction has been found to suffer from various mental disorders. Perhaps the most disturbing observation is that those affected have repeated thoughts of committing suicide.
Is sleeping nine hours and beyond good for you then? It seems risks for contracting diseases increases as well when you oversleep. A study was able to show how sleep deprivation affected a person’s risk for stroke. The same study, however, also reported that higher risk for stroke was observed among those who regularly overslept.
How Can You Improve Quality Of Sleep?
There are many natural remedies the usage of which will ensure a good night’s sleep. Aromatherapy and some other activities are practiced to promote relaxation and wonderful sleep.
Based on a study conducted among adults between 60 and 100 years old, those who reported having a clear daily purpose also said that they get good quality of sleep. The researchers found a positive relationship between having a personal purpose and a good night’s sleep. Researchers projected that perhaps the same pattern will be observed among adults from younger age groups although that assumption remains to be explored.
When you haven’t quite gone to the bottom of the ultimate question, “What is my purpose in life?” there are at least three other ways for you to get more health benefits simply by hitting the sheets and staying there from seven up to nine hours night after night. Here’s what you can do to make sure you can obtain the most benefits for your health (and beauty) whenever it’s time for you to retire:
Exercise at least 150 minutes weekly
This is a general recommendation for all men and women between 18 and 85 years of age. The recommendation further states that this exercise must be moderate to vigorous in intensity, which becomes very subjective depending on your age and fitness level.
A study published in the Journal of Mental Health and Physical Activity in 2o11 observed more than 3,000 men and women. The researchers recorded the subjects’ physical activities by giving each an accelerometer which the study participants were asked to wear for 7 days. To measure the quality of sleep, the study subjects each underwent a focus interview where they were asked questions that reflect the degree of quality of sleep based on their personal assessment. The researchers noted a 65 percent improvement in the quality of sleep among those who complete at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity during the study period, compared to those reporting having unsatisfactory sleep.
Eat right
Many studies have been conducted demonstrating how the quality of sleep is connected to a person’s cravings. Not too many studies, however, have been able to make an association between a person’s diet and the quality of sleep that he or she gets. Although, the evidence is steadily building up to support the assumption.
A study published in the journal, Appetite, in 2013 was able to gather evidence that demonstrates the following interesting results:
- Subjects who consumed more calories reported the shortest sleep times, that is, less than five hours.
- Subjects who slept 7 to 8 hours consumed the diet with the most diverse types of food
- Subjects who have the shortest sleep times were found to drink less tap water, lycopene and carbs
Another study proposed that the level of B Vitamins inside your body, particularly Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B Complex affects the quality of sleep. The researchers concluded that study subjects who were administered Vitamin B6 reported better remembering their dreams when they woke up. However, no similar results were observed for those who were made to take Vitamin B Complex.
The moral of these studies? Eat a wide variety of foods, derive just the right amount of carbs from the food you eat, drink plenty of taps, not flat water, and consider supplementation, such as with Vitamin B6 when you suspect that you’re not deriving the key nutrients you need.
Learn to calm down and relax
Other than refraining from consuming stimulants like coffee and tea too close to your bedtime, you should also learn to set aside stressful thoughts. Stress in your mind will Other than training yourself to think happy thoughts when you’re just about retired, below are other tips that you can try to help calm your thoughts:
- Pull the curtains
- Dim the lights
- Play a soft music in the background, most especially one that you are oblivious too
- Take a warm bath or, soak in a tub
- Use massage chairs for your complete relax
- Comfortable pillows!
- Burn incense
- Turn off all your devices and switch your phone into silent mode
- Do something that requires you to repeat the action like stitching
Sleep And You
Indeed, you have every reason to be concerned if you have not been sleeping well. Find ways to allow yourself quality snooze time when it’s time to hit the sheets. Your life depends on it.