3 Things to Know Before Choosing the Right Strategy for Business Growth

Having a sound digital marketing strategy in place is imperative for your business growth. When it’s properly running, digital marketing is the gift that keeps on giving. When it’s not, you effectively have a giant brick sitting on the internet. With so many tactics available, how do you choose the right one?

It would be fantastic if there were a one-size-fits-all tactic that always worked for every single niche. In that world, we all wear the same color clothing and eat the same food. But, seeing as how everyone I meet isn’t wearing blue and eating anchovy pizza, such is the pain of marketers and others who would promote their businesses. Even though there are no guaranteed tactics, there are some guidelines you can follow.

Whether you choose a referral marketing, or a digital one, before embarking on a single tactic, it’s necessary to define your strategy or overall goal. In other words, you have to know your ‘why you’re doing this’ before you work with the ‘how you’re going to get there’. This lets you get to your goals in the most efficient manner.

1. Know Why You’re Running The Campaign

In marketing, there are four steps in the sales process: attention, interest, desire, and action. The four reasons to run a digital marketing campaign correspond with one of those parts of the process. You can even hire a virtual assistant to help with your digital marketing efforts.

Brand Awareness

The goal here is to simply show up on the radar of your customers. In this instance, you want to get your brand in front of as many eyeballs as possible by creating something that the most people within your niche would want to see. This step is where your potential client’s attention is drawn to the fact that you exist.

Generate Traffic

Even though they know you exist, they might not have ever ‘set foot’ on your website. This type of marketing effort is designed to get possible customers to take a look at your resources and other items which might be on your site.

Lead Generation

Now that they’ve visited your site, you want them to engage with your company and its products. You want those visitors that you received in the ‘generate traffic’ purpose to give you permission to send emails and other documentation to them. Lead generation techniques are employed in the lead generation campaign created to help your customers make a decision about your company.

Sales Generation

What converts a tire-kicker into a customer? Are there specific tactics that you can use to generate sales for your company from your digital marketing campaign? Once your client has the desire to purchase products in your niche, it’s time to get them to take the action and have them purchase your products in the niche.

2. Know How Much Money You Want to Spend

Every tactic that you choose for marketing, whether you’re hanging out flyers at local college campuses or running a smooth multi-touchpoint campaign spanning every outlet under the sun requires money and resources. Not only that, but every tactic has separate price points within the fold, it just depends on how much you want to do.

So, not only do you have to be aware of the type of campaign that you’re running, but you have to know how much money you want to spend on the campaign itself. Everything must be budgeted for: if you’re running a PPC campaign, you have to allocate the funds for the spending as well as a marketing firm to handle and manage that account.

If you’ve only got $500 to spend, you’re going to be doing a lot of the legwork yourself. 

If you’ve got a couple thousand to spend, you can expect that you will get some more things done.

It comes down to the fact that you have to pay to play. The more money and time you put in, the more strategies and channels you can try out.

3. Know Your Audience

Search engines don’t buy things from you. People buy things from you. If you know your audience and are able to communicate with them in a language that they understand, there is more of a chance that they will trust you and purchase from you.

So, it becomes imperative for all stages and all strategies that you know the audience that you want to purchase from you. You’re not going to try to sell elementary schools and kid’s play areas to a luxury apartment complex full of geriatrics, are you? No. When you focus the message that you want to spread, that will determine the types of platforms that you should use.

Do your research and find out where people in your audience hang out online. Spread your net far and wide, and you’ll be able to get a good idea of where you want to put your resources and your money. Some platforms and some tactics are just made for certain clients. See what you can learn from your research.


There are many tactics and strategies that you can use to achieve business growth, but choosing the right one depends on knowing your audience, knowing your budget, and knowing about the ultimate goal of the campaign. When you put it all together, it becomes easier to find a direction for your business.

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A blogger, personal finance enthusiast with slight “addiction” of planning and organizing whether it’s budget, business or just life in general. When you run into an article around the web you can clearly tell it’s Michael’s work,as it can never be mixed with anyone else's , because of his very unique own voice. Finances, real estate, budgeting, new technological solutions are not the only talking points, that he has his heart set on. Passionate about life he studies and writes about environmental changes, human rights and quality of life. Being a true humanist he draws inspiration from the simple thing as an everyday life and the matters one come across on daily bases doing his best and above to help everyone around.